
时间:2023-03-23 22:55:09




I'm from Lake xxxx city. I'm 22 years old. I'm lucky to study international trade at Tianjin University. After four years of college life, I'm about to graduate now!

The family economy is not rich. I have formed the habit of thrift since I was a child. Because I have experienced the inconvenience caused by poverty, I have always been eager for a rich life. But I understand that to get out of poverty, relying on heaven and earth is just futile. Only by my own efforts can I create my own sky, so I ……此处隐藏3358个字……I have all the things men have, ha ha.

To introduce myself to you, in fact, I am also very embarrassed. Because I don't know myself very well. When others are serious, I may always be happy and optimistic, but deep in my heart, I often feel sad, anxious, worried and even give up! I think happiness comes from pain. Life is like two glasses of wine, one bitter wine and one sweet wine. Just see which one you drink first.

Life can be divided into seven stages, childhood, youth, adulthood, middle age and old age. We are young and it is time to shape our life values and goals. The main determinants of who we will be in the future will happen in the next three years of high school, so I look forward to the future high school life.

